PHILOSOPHY | フィロソフィー
Ride your way Surfing as your partner /
Like the ever-changing waves, everybody enjoys surfing differently. If your lifestyle changes, so will your surfing style. We want everybody to be able to join surfing in their daily lives and use it to bring balance to your hectic work. We hope surfing takes root in Japan, an island surrounded by beautiful seas. We, at Justice, believe that you should be able to ride the waves your own way. Whether you are a competitive or leisurely surfer, or even if you’ve never ridden a board in your life, we will help you ride your way through the waves and through life as people who live with the sea.
Our idea is in you / 乗ってほしいではなく、乗りたくなるボードを。
JUSTICEが目指すのは、出来るだけ多くの方に日本の波でサ一フインを楽しんでもらうこと。そのために新しい技術を駆使した「フレックスフライ」シリーズから、年齢を重ねたサーファーにむけた「大人の休日」シリーズまで、お客様ひとりひとりのニーズを綿密にリサーチし、様々なスタイルにあわせたボードを提供しています。それを支えているのは、ボード開発時のトライ&エラー 。ライダー・シェイパーが情報を多角的に分析し精密に具現化、さらにユーザーのライディングシチュエーションをイメージしながらテストライドを繰り返す。私たちが考えているのはたったひとつのこと。「乗ってほしいボードではなく、乗りたくなるボードを」アイディアと技術のすべてをボードに込めて製作しています。
We, at Justice, want everyone to enjoy surfing in Japan. We provide boards that best suits each customer’s needs. Our Flex Fly series, which features boards made using new techniques and Adult Holiday series for were senior surfers are such boards. All of our boards are scrutinized by professional riders who repeatedlytest ride our boards to make sure that they meet only the highest standards. During our boards’ refinement process, we have only one goal: To create the board that you, the customer wants to ride.
新しいコト / New things
ジャスティスサーフボードは「新しいコト」に取り組んでいきたいと思っています。 どんなコトが喜ばれるだろうか? どんなコトをやってほしいのか? どんなモノが欲しいのだろうか?… 色々と考えています。 海に行くためサーフボードを積み下ろしする時、ニットケースから出してワックスアップしている時、浜辺に置いて準備体操している時、実際に波と自分とが一体となった時、海から自宅への帰りの車で今日を振り返る時、ボードを車から降ろし部屋に運び入れた時、次の海の日までサーフボードを眺めている時・・・どんなときも優越感を得られる、自慢出来るサーフボードブランドが「ジャスティスサーフボード」でありますように。これからどんどん「新しいコト」に取り組んでいきます。
JusticeSurfboard wants to take you to “New Koto”. What kind of things are pleased? What kind of things do you want me to do? What kind of thing do you want … … I think a lot. When going to load and unload a surfboard, when waxing up from a knit case, preparing for gymnastics on the beach, when the waves and myself are united, when do you go from the sea When looking back on today with the car, when boarding the room, when you are looking at the surfboard until the next sea day · · · You can get a feeling of superiority at any time, the surfboard brand that you can boast is “Justice safe brand” With this, we will work on “new comers” steadily. I hope you like it.
パートナー / Partner
サーフボードは「パートナー」。お店でジャスティスサーフボードを触って心に惹かれる時、それはお客様とそのサーフボードがパートナーなのでしょう。少なくともジャスティスサーフボードとは1本1本がすべて特別なモノであり、気持ちを込めたサーフボードを作ります。すべてのサーフボードがこの世に1本しかない、そんなパートナーなのです。また私達のカスタムサーフボードは、ブランクスのマシンシェイプ以外すべての工程をハンドメイドで仕上げます。そうです、カスタムのサーフボードは、あなたにとってONLY ONEのパートナーなのです。
Surfboard is a “partner”. When you touch the Justice Surfboard at a shop and you will be attracted to your heart, it seems that you and your surfboard are partners. At least Justice Surfboard and every one is a special thing, making a surfboard with a feeling. It is such a partner that all surfboards are only one in this world. Also our custom surfboard handmade all processes except Blank’s machine shape. Yes, the custom surfboard is a partner for ONLY ONE for you.
性能 / Performance
On the surfboard, “performance” is the place I want you to be most concerned about anything. Surfboard is a thing hard to judge on “looks”. Justice Surfboard has developed various models by integrating shaper, team rider and customer’s everyday to provide high quality surfboard to customers. What kind of board do you want? What kind of board would you enjoy surfing without stress? With Japanese beach breaks, what kind of boards do you get good performance? We will offer the best one for you according to your level and lifestyle.I will do many meetings in the ocean and in the shape room and shape it while talking about various things. Locker balance · Rail feeling · Overall outline balance · Bottom design · Tail shape etc. We will finish it while conscious of everything. And we will test drive test whether we can express the image concept of the model concept. Depending on the model, we will re-do and fine-adjust it again and again. Often it is not released yet. It is not a good board somehow, it is necessary to be a surfboard that you want to get everybody from the bottom of my heart, because I want to provide with confidence.